Research Opportunities and Internships

Our research offers unique opportunities for the professional development of students at all levels and of research scientists and engineers. We seek motivated, dynamic and dedicated individuals with a background in the physical sciences, optics, optical materials and opto-mechanical engineering  to help us further the group research efforts.

If you are interested in research opportunities in our group, you can fill out the form on this page to contact us.

PhD Candidates

There are many opportunities for PhD students to contribute in research projects that are at the forefront of laser and optics research. The training students receive in our research is highly interdisciplinary. Our graduate students are highly sought in industry, academia and national labs. Check the group alumni on the people’s page.

Sarah and Lydia

Research Scientists

There are open positions for research scientists and post-doctoral students

Presently searching for a post-doctoral fellow to work on the fundamental understanding of internal friction in amorphous oxides which plays a paramount role in increasing noise and hence reducing the sensitivity of gravitational wave interferometers.  Full description.  

Carmen and REUs

Research Experience for Undergraduates are available for year long and summer internships. The EUV ERC Center runs a NSF Research Experience for Undergraduate Program. Through this 10 week program, students have the opportunity to work on exciting projects alongside graduate and post-doctoral students and research associates.  There are projects for students with different expertise, including electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, engineering physics, chemistry, and materials science.  Applications are due in February of each year.  CSU students interested in research can directly contact us for opportunities throughout the year.

We also offer year round research experiences for CSU undergraduate students interested in lasers and optics.   To be considered fill in the application form at the bottom of this page. 

At the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Fort Collins is a vibrant community which offers a superb quality of life.   For more information follow this link

Inquire about research opportunities 

The EUV Lasers, Optics and Plasma team at CSU welcomes potential candidates to submit a cover letter and resume / CV to start discussions on possible research opportunities. You can also contact Carmen Menoni directly at

This is a first step to contact us.  If a good fit is found, a formal application follows. This is handled by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Colorado State University. 

Note: This is for inquiries regarding research and other opportunities only. Applications for paid professional positions should be submitted at

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