Foreign Nationals

Our group at Colorado State University receives 4-6 international students every semester.  These students come to pursue research to fulfill requirements for practical training or a MS / PhD degree. The process to apply for an internship at CSU is described further down the page.

Initial Contact

Secure a J-1 Visa

Submit Your Documentation

Prepare for Your Visit

Updating your plans for the visit with Prof. Menoni


The student and major professor needs to contact Prof. Menoni and submit: a) an application letter and b) student curriculum vitae. This allows Professors Menoni and Rocca to identify projects and assess the fit between the student’s expertise and labresearch efforts. Prof. Menoni will confirm acceptance.

Secure a J-1 Visa

Following acceptance, the student will need to secure a J-1 visa.  There are new requirements for it. See attachment/ Prof. Menoni will need to confirm the English proficiency of the student. To do this, a paper written by the student, a conference call via Skype or personal interaction are possible. The applicant needs to fill out the form J-1 Exchange Visitor DS-2019 Request Packet. This is a fillable form.

  • Specify desired visit dates.
  • Do not attempt to fill in Section B.
  • The application fees are covered by CSU.
  • Attach a copy of your passport page that contains your photo, a bank statement showing funds available to support your stay at CSU, and evidence of health insurance.

Submit Your Documentation

Once the documentation package is complete, Prof. Menoni sends it to the International Programs Office. they process the visa. It typically takes 3 weeks. After it is approved, the International Office sends a message to the student and the CSU adviser to let them know the paperwork to present at the US Consulate is on its way. The application precess and the mailing fees are covered by CSU.

Prepare for Your Visit

Each applicant must secure housing arrangements. A list of possibilities is found on the VISITORS tab. If you are applying to CSU housing, visit the following website:

Updating your plans for the visit with Prof. Menoni

Let Prof. Menoni know a few weeks in advance of when you will be arriving.

Good luck in the application process!